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הדלקה לכבוד התנא האלוקי רבי שמעון בר יוחאי


Adam and Lindsay Okun


In honor and support of Rebbe and his lifetime mission of ליפוצו מעיינותיך חוצה.

May each of us be zoche to fulfill our own roles in spreading

Torahs Rashbi and Baal Shem in helping bring Mashiach B’karov Mamash



Yossi and Ronit Rosenfeld

לע״נ ולכבוד התנא האלוקי ר׳ שמעון בר יוחאי

ולרפואה שלמה משה בן רייזל and שמואל בן איטא עטל




In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Weinberger




Refuah Sheleima for שמחה מרדכי בן רחל




Julie and Fed Saal

L'Ilui Nishmat Yehoshua ben Fanny Feiga



Cynthia and Harry Kotowitz

In honor or Rebbe and

לז"נ רבי שמעון בר יוחאי



R' Eli & Sheri Brazil



Thalheim Family

Refuah Shleima to all in need



Mikey & Rebecca Richman

In honor of Rebbe & Rebbetzin Weinberger, Rabbi & Rebbetzin Levin, and JZ


Zilberman Family

Refuah Sheleima for Alexander Ben Nechama





Alan & Fran Broder

Thanking Rav Weinberger for inspiring us!


Yehoshua & Rivka Livian

In honor of Rebbe and Rebbetzin


The Chabura (Lakewood, NJ)




In honor of Rebbi and Eitan Katz in the zechus of R' Shimon


Simmy & Aviva Zieleniec

לכבוד התנא האלוקי רבי שמעון בר יוחאי
And with deep appreciation of Rav Weinberger, the Rebbitzen and the entire Kehilla


Jeff & Sharona Weinberg

In honor of YM Feder for helping Rebbe carry the lively torch of Rabi Shimon and displaying it all through our lives


Ashley & Moshe Hammer

In honor of Rebbe and Rebbetzin
and in honor of the Feder Mishpacha and David Alishaev for making Dor L'Dor such a great, fun and inviting experience for all to join!


Natanel and Perri Barookhian

In honor of the great Tanna Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai



Beverly & Henry Schachar

We’re so fortunate that the spirit and fire of the תנא האלהי רבי שמעון burns brightly in our midst through our Rebbe Shlit"a

Dov and Tova Singer

In honor of the hanhala who work so hard on behalf of the shul

Aaron & Sarah Greenblott

In honor of Rebbe

Eddie and Lisa Pantiliat

In honor of Rebbe and the entire Aish Kodesh kehila

Atara and Elliot Blumenthal

In honor of the Hilula of Rebbi Shimon

Alex & Esther Shulman

Refuah Shlema for Malkiel ben Malka & Tova bas Yaffa

James Nussbaum and Family

L'Ilui nishmas Avi Mori Asher Ben Eliezer Nussbaum Z'L
Thank you to Rebbe for everything
Rav Eitan thank you for inspiring Max
Nussbaum Family, West Side
Elana, James, Jake, Max, Charlie, and Kara

Batsheva and Daniel Aaron

L'zecher Nishmas Yitzchak ben Shaul and Mordechai Yosef ben Meshulem Zalman HaLevi

Lauber Family

In honor of Rebbe and Rebbetzin Weinberger

and Aharon Shimon's Birthday

Eitan and Naomi Aghbashoff

Refuah Sheleima for תינוק בן אחוה



David & Orly Simai

In Honor of Rebbe & Rebbetzin Weinberger
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Levin
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Rubenstein
לרפואה שלימה לדוד שמעון בן אסתר



Dahlia and Yisroel Yaakov Berman

In honor of Rebbi for everything he does!

Daniel and Annie Sussman

In appreciation for Rav and Rebbetzin Weinberger and Kehilas Aish Kodesh

Amichai & Bracha Avraham

Refuah Sheleima for Ephraim ben Leah

Mordechai Benhaim

עבור מרדכי אלחנן בן עליזה ושרונה בת אפרת
לישועה ורחמים, לשלום וברכה, לרפואה והצלחה ולפרנסה

David and Debbie Aidelson


Shawn and Karen Rosenthal

In honor of Rebbe and the Rebetzin and the entire Aish Kodesh kehila

Daniel and Aliza Gluck

לכבוד התנא האלקי רבי שמעון בר יוחאי

Jared Stark

L'zecher Nishmas R' Shimon bar Yochai

Yankel Rosenberg

In honor of Rav Shimon and the whole chevra!

Rachelle & Saul Stepner

All that Rebbe and Aish Kodesh does for Klal Yisroel!

Mr. & Dr. David Kaye

First yahrzeit of my grandmother Raziel bas Baruch

Rivki and Maurice Bortz

Hakaras Hatov to Rebbi and Rebbitzen and the entire Aish Kodesh family

Stephanie and Alex Lubat

In memory of ישׂראל שמואל בּן בּרוך צבי and פעסיל בת יחיאל אהרן

Avraham and Amanda Setareh

Ari and Daniella Schwartz



Fox Family

Refuah Sheleima for Rafael Chaim Zev ben Esther

Lutzky Family

L'Ilui Nishams Rav Shimon bar Yochai and L'Ilui Nishamas the מ"ה niftarey Meiron

Chiya Aryeh

LIlui Nishmas Moshe David Aryeh ben Nuriel

Mike Zahav

In honor and z'chus of Moshe Yaakov Rosenbaum

Franny and BB Cohen

Schreck Family

L'kavod Rebbe Shimon

Yitzi and Asna Horowitz

In honor of all those searching for the light of the darkness...

Greg and Chanie Bell

Feldman Family

Evan Scharaga

In honor of the Rashbi

Naomi and Boruch Ross

L'Ilui Nishmas Sarah Zisel bas Dovid

Joseph & Arielle Jaspan

In honor of Rebbe and the entire kehilla

Moshe Pilevsky

In honor of Elisha Pilevsky attending the Hilula for the first time

Moshe & Keren Kendil

In Honor of Rabbi & Rebbitzen Weinberger

Cheryl and Dani Ellenberg

In honor of Rav Yirmi Ginsburg and the entire Iyun Nafshi Chaburah

Dr. Zvi and Batsheva Nass



Wed, May 8 2024 30 Nisan 5784