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Event / Shiur Sponsorship

Please login to have your information pre-filled and your sponsorship linked to your account.
For Sponsor Of The Day, please enter the English date above and specify in the below box if this should be for a specific Hebrew date.

For Sponsor Of The Week, please enter the beginning date of the week you would like to sponsor above, and specify in the below box which Parshas Ha'Shavua you would like included in your week.  (Your sponsorship will be included in the weekly Parsha Divrei Torah publication)

For Sponsor Of The Year, please enter the date you would like your sponsorship to begin.

For Parsha Divrei Torah Sponsorship, please enter the English date of the Shabbos you'd like to sponsor above and specify the Parsha below
Please enter your name(s) above as you would like them listed on the sponsorship.
(If you would like your sponsorship to be anonymous, please enter anonymous here)
Please enter the name(s) of whoever you are sponsoring on their behalf.
(you may add additional notes here as well)
If you would like to bill / pay through your account, please login.
Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785